"Climate Change: Science, Policy & Possibilities"

" style="float:right; margin: 0px 5px 0px On October 22, 2009, Dr. Joyce Lanning presented "Climate Change: Science & Possibilities" at the LWVGB General Meeting at the Homewood Public Library.

The international community is looking toward the December meeting of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen as a defining event for the future of the planet’s climate. A framework for climate change mitigation beyond 2012 is to be agreed there. The United States is grappling with its own policies and possibilities for adapting to human-caused changes in planetary ecological systems and working to lessen the impact of our greenhouse gas emissions. The League of Women Voters of the United States has a position urging federal action that reduces global warming pollutants on a national and global scale.

Alabama’s elected leadership is on record as objecting to the House-passed ACES legislation which would change the mix of energy we use and cap emissions of carbon dioxide. Can we identify state impacts of climate change, our contribution to the problem and possibilities for a move toward cleaner energy and greener jobs? How can we work together to address climate change for our state, nation, and planet? Bring your questions and comments for the discussion to follow a presentation on some of the climate change issues before us.

Joyce Lanning, Ph.D., is Natural Resources chair for the Birmingham and Alabama League of Women Voters, on the Climate Change Task Force of the U.S. League, and five-state volunteer manager for The Climate Project. Joyce has been presenting science-based programs on climate change since 2007, and is a former faculty member, UAB School of Public Health. She’s vitally interested in the legacy we’re leaving for young of all species, including her grandchildren.

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