A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published September 2005

A Note from the President

The 2005-06 Board of Directors met on August 20th to set priorities and plan activities for the year. Outgoing president Sarah McDonald joined us to assure a smooth transition for the new board. Our efforts this year will focus on reorganizing the Observer Corp (with particular emphasis on Birmingham Water Board and Jefferson County Commission), Voters Service citizen education and support for constitutional reform, including participation in Alabama Citizens for Constitutional Reform's (ACCR's) petition drive for a 2006 Citizens Convention. Additionally, we will participate in "good, old fashioned" debate and consensus on LWVAL's study of the Alabama legislature.

On Saturday, September 10, LWVGB members Dot Baker, Kaydee Erdreich-Breman, Jessie Tehranchi and I attended the first meeting of Common Ground. This summit was designed to empower citizens of the Birmingham region to build, participate in and benefit from an equitable and healthy community, environment and economy. The focus for this first meeting was to develop a community-wide vision in the areas of participatory government, regional transportation, environment, public health and sustainable communities.

Mark your calendar to attend our September 22nd meeting, which will focus on the "inner workings" of the Jefferson County Commission. September is membership development month, so invite a friend to attend as well!! And speaking of September ... don't forget ADR ... Annual Dues Renewal!

Details on other events of interest are highlighted in this month's issue of The VOTER, including the Internet forum for the Birmingham City Council elections in October, the United Nations Day dinner on November 1st, and a review of the Jefferson County Commission summer activities.

I look forward to working with all of you this year.

-- Yvonne

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