League logoTHE VOTER
A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published October 2006

ACCR Annual Meeting Outlines Strategy for Constitutional Reform

Representative Linda Coleman looked out on more than 100 attendees as she addressed the ACCR Annual Meeting in the State Capitol Building on October 5.  She expressed pleasure to see such a diverse, grassroots group working for state constitutional reform.  Panels of legislators, county commission executives, the media and students shared their ideas with members.  Speakers recommended that ACCR enlist leadership from the Legislature and the Governor’s office to help the effort, send out a voters' guide, encourage letters to the editor, create activities that have visual appeal for media attention and get students at all colleges in the state involved. Plans for the fall include efforts to get voters to sign participation cards promising to contact their legislators and ask support of citizens' convention legislation in 2007.  High school and college students throughout the state plan to read the 1901 Constitution all day on October 24th.

-- Nancy Ekberg


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