A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published October 2004

New Member Spotlight

Meet two new members of our Greater Birmingham League!

Betty Warnock is a citizen of the world, having lived in Europe, Asia and in several states. She came to Birmingham 15 years ago. During her career she has worked as a social worker in San Francisco, earned her degree in interior design and now paints. She recently decided it was time to get involved again. She wants to know and understand more about Alabama politics. Health care is of particular interest to her. “I’m very creative, both artistically and in problem solving. I want to combine the two.”

Mary Lynn Bates has lived in Birmingham for over 28 years and has long-standing political interests, having volunteered for numerous campaigns and run for Congress herself in 1996. She is currently involved with “Alabama Solution”, a bipartisan political action committee supporting women candidates. A primary interest for Mary Lynn is helping Alabama government work for Alabama citizens, so the League is a good fit. “I think it’s important that people of different philosophies, politics and backgrounds communicate with each other.”

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