A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published October 2004

Voter Services Update
Submitted by Virginia Randolph

League members registered over 400 new voters during the last couple months. Applause!! Applause!!! We’ve been everywhere: high schools, bus stations, senior centers, Voices of Civil Rights events, Birmingham Pledge Teen Conference, Junior League meeting, Holy Family and St. Mary’s Catholic Churches, the Art Walk, Taste of the Summit and Chick-Fil-A. In addition to those registered, many took forms home to family or friends. But we’re not through yet! Under the leadership of Rebecca Stafford we are continuing to register voters at a number of the local shelters.

Thanks go to Amy Allon, Cary Page, Gayle England, Beverly Nelson, Jean Johnson, Sarah McDonald, Kate Long, Nancy Ekberg, Linda Coleman, Winifred Jackson, Colette Scott, Leslie O’Neil, Judith Hand, Yvonne Brakefield, Rebecca Stafford, Becky Davis, Eva Click, Kathryn Kerchof, Betty Warnock and Amy Chiles for the time given to help people register to vote.

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For further information about the League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham,
call 205 968-9186 or visit on-line at