League logoTHE VOTER
A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published November 2006

Virginia Randolph, LWVGB 2nd VP and Voter Service Chair, accepted JeffCo proclamation on Oct. 19, 2006. League Honored by Jefferson County Commission

The Jefferson County Commission issued a proclamation recognizing the LWVGB for outstanding voter service. It was read by Commissioner Gary White and presented to the League at the Tuesday, October 24th Commission meeting.  Virginia Randolph, 2nd Vice President, (pictured) accepted the proclamation for the League. 

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WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Jefferson County Commission to pay tribute to organizations that impact our community and the lives of our citizens for the better; and

WHEREAS, the League of Women Voters was founded in Chicago on February 14, 1920 and in Jefferson County, Alabama in the late 1920’s; and

WHEREAS, the League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham disbanded in the 1930’s but was reestablished in May 1952; and

WHEREAS, the League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham encourages voter participation and provides essential voter information by means of the Internet and through the media; and

WHEREAS, the League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham sponsors candidate and public issue forums that are unbiased and nonpartisan; and

WHEREAS, the League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham provides citizens with information about their government at the national, state and local levels and encourages interaction with public officials; and

WHEREAS, the League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham for years has offered voter registration services to Jefferson County Citizens through the Registrar’s Office; and

WHEREAS, the League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham provided excellent voluntary service during the 2006 Primary Election by staffing registration tables throughout Jefferson County.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION that we extend our sincere appreciation to The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham for years of dedicated service to the citizens of Jefferson County.

Signed by the Jefferson County Commission on the 19th day of October, 2006

For further information about the League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham,
call 205 583-5000 or visit on-line at www.bham.net/lwvgb