A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published March 2005

March Unit Meeting
Thursday, March 31, 6:00 pm
Vestavia Red Lobster

Come join us on Thursday, March 31st to receive food for the mind and body! We will learn the focus group/study circle method of community dialogue, using Home Rule as our theme...and have dinner as well! A group from Tuscaloosa called Challenge 21 has learned the focus group/study circle method of engaging community dialogue from the Kettering Institute. They will demonstrate this method, using us as participants.

The following resource materials on Home Rule are available for you to read (if you have the time):

But knowledge of the subject is not necessary in order to attend, which is the beauty of focus group/study circles. They are learning and sharing experiences!

We hope to see you at the Red Lobster restaurant in Vestavia on Highway 31 at 6:00 p.m. on March 31. (We will all order and pay for our own food.) The program and dinner should not take more than 90 minutes. Questions? Nancy Ekberg 967-2897.

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