A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published March 2005

President's Message

I have a school child’s mentality when it comes to the calendar. School starts in September and so does everything else. The year winds up in May and so does everything else. Summer is for vegetating.


If we are to accomplish our goal of involving the community in public policy decision-making and activism, we have to work ‘round the calendar. It also makes it easier on those who do the planning and organizing of activities. Consequently the Birmingham board no longer takes the summer off. There will be a comprehensive planning session early in the summer during which goals will be set and priorities will be put in place depending on our resources of time, money and energy. The summer might be the perfect time for members who are teachers to become involved. Distribution of the soon-to-be-published revised Fingertips will require volunteers.

Helping with the mailing of the Voter (yes, we currently mail a paper Voter to about 25 members) will free up board members, even if only for a month or two. Volunteer for the Observer Corps as regular or back-up observer. Contribute an article to the newsletter. The Legislative Study committee can use a few thoughtful souls to plan for the final presentation and consensus to be held in the fall.

Get involved, if only for a few months!

Sarah McDonald

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For further information about the League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham,
call 205 968-9186 or visit on-line at