A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published January 2005

LWVAL Legislative Study

Almost two years ago LWVAL Convention delegates authorized a re-study of the Alabama Legislature. While the League has a position in place, it was felt that an update was sorely needed. After much scholarly work, a statewide committee of eight has completed its initial work of writing a background paper on the subject. Under the excellent leadership of Ruth Wright (Auburn) the committee has examined the findings of experts on state legislatures, as well as the reality here in Alabama. More data and consensus questions for members will be coming in early fall.

Now it's time for us to join the work. Mary Lynn Bates and Sarah McDonald are forming a committee here in Birmingham to study and discuss this information and design a presentation for local League members and the general public.

The study encompasses several areas: current practices; the role of lobbyists and the level of access available to grassroots citizens; how the structure and function of the legislature affects its ability to meet the state's needs; and the management of the budget process.

Please call Sarah (967-2829) or Mary Lynn (823-9459) to join the study committee.

To prepare for this upcoming study, score yourself on the following questionnaire to see how much trust you have in our system of representative democracy.

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