League logoTHE VOTER
A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published February 2006

League Supports Constitutional Reform at Montgomery Rally

At least 12 LWV members were among the 500 citizens attending the Let the People Vote Rally held on the Capitol steps January 25 in Montgomery.  The event was sponsored by ACCR and supported by the LWVAL.  Legislators and constitutional reform supporters addressed the crowd.  Mrs. Johnnie Carr, civil rights leader and friend of Rosa Parks, recounted her days in Birmingham working with the LWV for voting and registration rights.  Students presented boxes of petitions with more than 65,000 signatures calling for a constitutional convention to the Alabama Legislature.  Bills for a constitutional convention are presently awaiting decisions in both the House and Senate.

Biirmingham League members at Constitution Reform Rally, 1/25/06.

Students show support at the "Let the People Vote" Rally for Constitution Reform on Jan. 25, 2006.

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For further information about the League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham,
call 205 968-9186 or visit on-line at www.bham.net/lwvgb.