A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published August 2004

Act Now for Restoration of Voting Rights

The Voting Rights Restoration Act passed by the Alabama Legislature in 2003 enables individuals who have been convicted of felonies to have their voting rights restored if they meet certain criteria. (See sidebar at left). Eligible individuals should call or write The Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles, Pardon Unit at 301 S Ripley Street, PO Box 302405, Montgomery, AL 36130-2405. Request restoration of voting rights and include the following information: Full name at conviction, race, sex, date of birth, Social Security #, AIS # (if applicable), current physical address with county & mailing address if different, home and work telephone, charge of conviction, year of conviction, county and whether conviction was state or federal jurisdiction.

Eligibility for Voting Rights Restoration

  • The applicant has completed his or her sentence
  • All court costs, restitution, fines & fees are paid in full
  • The conviction was not for murder or a sex offense
The process takes about 45 days. To vote in the November election, eligible individuals should apply now. The deadline to register for the November election is October 22.

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