A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published August 2004

President's Message

We're entering a busy and interesting time for both the community and the League. Presidential election season is our best hope for involving citizens in the elective process. If folks are ever going to think and then act, it is now. The League is assisting in voter registration, forums and other activities as much as our volunteer force can mamage.

Voter Services needs more volunteers. Commit to a two or three-hour shift to register voters and you will do much to get out the vote this fall. Volunteer by calling me at 967-2829 or Ginnie Randolph at 699-5582.

The League conducted a successful mayoral forum in Hoover. It only happened because many League members were there both before and after the event. Thanks to everyone involved, especially Ginnie Randolph, Connie Lees and Eva Click.

Mark your calendar to attend our annual "Membership Development Meeting" on September 23rd at Region 20/20. Members are encouraged to bring others to see what the League is all about. The meeting will focus on an extremely relevant topic, the Help Amercia Voter Act (HAVA). Find furthur details on this and other League activities on our website

Sarah McDonald

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For further information about the League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham,
call 205 968-9186 or visit on-line at