League logoTHE VOICE
A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published March 2007

Time to Act

Rep. Paul DeMarco of Homewood has introduced a bill in the State Legislature to authorize the Jefferson County Commission to employ a county manager.  The League has long advocated just such a position.

Since this is a "local bill", the Jefferson County Delegation to the Legislature will decide its fate.  The legislature usually follows the wishes of local delegates on local bills.  Therefore we need each of you to be ready to contact the members of the delegation when the time is right.

We'll get all the pertinent information to you so that you can call or email the legislators about this important bill.  Please be ready to act when you are contacted.

[View the bill: HB 110 or SB 37. The text of these bills, one introduced in the House and one in the Senate, are the same.]

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